Thanks to all who supported in 2023 - check out the rest of our pictures of deployed troops receiving their Jerky Boxes in our Photo Gallery HERE
If you want to sponsor a box for $25 you can make a check out to the American Legion Post 208 or
drop an envelope off to the Legion attention DALE BERG - Commander, Post 208.
More Pictures from 2022 Jerky Event HERE
"gift reminded him of all the Americans supporting us back home"
“It was a shock to get called down to mail call last week and find five enormous boxes addressed to me (especially because I wasn't expecting any mail at all). To find your gift to our crew instantly made my day. The number of positive comments I got from sailors as I distributed them are too many to count. I had one junior sailor telling me about how it had been ages since the crew received a donation like this and he had forgotten how much he appreciated it. Being out in Japan, especially during COVID, it can be really easy to feel disconnected from the States, and your gift reminded him of all the Americans supporting us back home. The letters and signs people wrote are still posted on our mess decks. The jerky specifically was a huge hit, with my very unscientific poll placing the teriyaki version on top (maybe we've become too used to a Japanese diet). “